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womens silver shoes

About Me

I started off my career in fashion by sewing clothes for people to fund my college education. I turned my passion into a career when I joined my first company as a merchandiser and learned the tricks of the trade from ground-up. Born and raised in India, my work has brought me to places like Singapore, New York and now Ohio. In the last 27 years, I worked for acclaimed companies such as The Limited, Gap Inc., Full Beauty Brands, Singlun and more. In the past I have produced for brands & labels like Banana Republic, Diesel, Burberry, American Rag, Inc, Oshkosh, Primark, River Island and many more. Since then, my vast experiences have led me to a position of the highest accord and to have full technical knowledge from trend forecasting to production.


I’m a Sourcing, Product Development  and Fabric Research & Development Director turned founder in 2017. I founded Ethelina, a seed- stage company named after my grandmother, to begin my entrepreneurial journey. Ethelina works with high-end, renowned brands, entrepreneur  and discounter companies and has sourced and developed apparels and fabrics, equipped with over a vast number of factories in every continent. I aspire to create a bridge between companies and factories alike to reach financial heights and achieve targeted goals. 

About Me: About Me
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